Memorial Day Homeless Vet Drive

Memorial Day Homeless Vet Drive


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This Memorial Day...

Memorial Day is an occasion to honor those who made the greatest sacrifice in service to their country. It’s a time for offering gratitude to those who demonstrated a level of selflessness to which we can only aspire. It’s also an opportunity to reflect. To consider what actions we’re taking today that might continue the efforts of those who’ve departed. To examine how we can honor the loved ones of yesterday by seeing to the welfare of those who’re still with us today.

We Salute Those Who Came Before...

And so in remembrance of those who’ve fallen in service to their country, this Memorial Day we’re taking action. There is so much work that can be done to serve those still with us and at great risk, especially at this particular moment: COVID-19 is bringing unprecedented hardship to the health and financial welfare of countless people. Among those at highest risk are the members of the Veteran community and their families that were already grappling with homelessness before the pandemic began.

By Supporting Those with Us Now

Beyond is firmly committed to supporting our nation’s community of servicemembers and Veterans, and we invite you to join us this Memorial Day in easing their burdens. 20% of all sales sitewide from 05/20/20 - 05/26/20 will be used to donate products to the Seattle Stand Down and give a hand up to those who’ve served. There’s nothing you need to do differently in order to participate: all of our current offers and discounts will still apply.

Please Join Us

This Memorial Day, we invite you to help us support at-risk Veterans and their families during a truly unique time of hardship. Please join us in honoring the sacrifice of those who came before us by helping those still in need.

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